September 27, 2019
OMI hosted another synth jam in the AKW 123 studio. We had all the synths out again (the Behringer DeepMind12, the MiniKorg Vocoder, the Teenage Engineering OP-1,the Novation Peak, and the Moog Werkstatt-01). This time, rather than using the Zoom H6 to record audio, we tried to pipe the aduio right into the computer running the webcam. The nice part about this is that we can more easily retrieve a video with high0quality sound to directly upload to YouTube, but the downside is that we didn’t set it up correctly. We ended up with a video that recorded audio off the webcam mic, which was not as bad as we expected, but not quite what we were looking for in terms of quality. Next time around we should be able to get this working properly though - it was a great learning experience.
Overall, the whole jam was a good learning experience. We had a nice mix of musicians experienced with synths, and others a bit more new to the scene. After getting our bearings, we had a nice jam session that had some nice moments. You can see the video below. We are looking forward to continuing to build off this experience.
If this sounds like fun and you would like to attend future OMI synth jams, join the mailing list and/or come to some of our workshops!
Jam Participants: Scott Petersen, Mark Santolucito, Brandon Canfield, Lucas Paul, Isaac Robinson, Sam Lopate, Ari Miller and others.
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