Casey Celestin, Dylan Lesko, Brandon Canfield, Thomas Hagen, and Mark Santolucito joined together for a great synth jam on Friday night in AKW 123. We pulled out the studio’s analog synths (the Novation Peak and the Moog Werkstatt-01) and Casey and Brandon brought along a few of their own. We set up a 4-channel audio setup using the CR3 monitor speakers in the back of the room, though we just duplicated the stereo signal in the back 2 channels as the mixer we were using only had two outs anyway. It was a nice touch if you were seated near the back of the room, but the main speakers overpowered them for most of the space. We set up the Zoom H6 recorder to intercept the main outs so we could get a high quality recording of our session. Maybe next time we will get video as well. You can listen to our session below.
If this sounds like fun and you would like to attend future OMI synth jams, join the mailing list and/or come to some of our workshops!