September 14, 2019
We kicked of the school year with a Friday the 13th synth jam, but the day was lucky for us. We had a great crowd join us and a lot of newcomers. We brought out all of studio’s new synths (the Behringer DeepMind12, the MiniKorg Vocoder,and the Teenage Engineering OP-1), as well as the synths we had from previous years (the Novation Peak and the Moog Werkstatt-01). Brandon brought his Teenage Engineering Pocket Operators, and Prof Petersen had a nice effects box set up. We set up the Zoom H6 recorder to intercept the main outs so we could get a high quality recording of our session. We also had a webcam connected to the VR computer in the front of the room - a still from that video is posted here, but we might get the video uploaded to OMI’s youtube account soon as well.
The synth jam itself was a bit of an experiment. We had not had that many people (or synths) making music at the same time before. It took us a bit of time for us to find out sea legs, but as you can hear below, by the end of the session, there was a pretty good group dynamic going on.
If this sounds like fun and you would like to attend future OMI synth jams, join the mailing list and/or come to some of our workshops!
Jam participants: Scott Petersen, Mark Santolucito, Brandon Canfield, Sofia Checa, Simon Ta, Isaac Pross, Eric Liu, Kaloyan Kolev, and Meschach Cornelius.